Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Reese

OKay, so I never thought I would be one of those parents who spent a million hours on things like the smallest details of their kids parties . . .you can all stop laughing now! OF COURSE I always knew I would totally be that mom! We celebrated our princess's birthday on her actual birthday, November 29th. We ordered special invitations and made sure the cake, plates, decor, balloons, and her dress matched. She was absolutely adorable and had the best time with all of her friends and cousins.

We woke her up in the morning by singing Happy Birthday!

Then she "tried on" all of the bows before her nap.

And then our Princess had her party!

I seriously think I have the sweetest baby alive. She has brought so much love and joy to our lives over the last year I can't even remember what our life was like without her. So thank you for being you, Reese we love you more than anything!


Windy City Kelley's said...

She is getting SO big, but still very cute. I still can't believe she is 1 already - happy Birthday Reese!

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