Friday, October 3, 2008

What happened to summer?!

I can't believe it's already October! Really though, it seemed to turn cold literally overnight! (More importantly, I now need to go shopping for Reese. Our little peanut has hardly any clothes in her current size for this weather.)

Don't get me wrong, I love fall, but that only means one thing, Reese is almost a year old. I feel like my "little" baby is getting so old and changing so fast. Although she never seems to grow that fast--I just weighed and measured her and she is in the 12 percentile for weight and 5th for height.

She is moving everywhere and stood on her own for about 30 seconds yesterday until she realized I didn't have a hold of her. Then she flashed that smile my favorite grin and immediately sat down--then we both laughed. She is even taking a few steps on her own before she takes a face plant into either Nick or I. Her new favorite word is Bella, and Grandma Vicky just taught her how to sing "E-I-E-I-O!" She has Mommy, Daddy, Pappy, Baby, and Ba-Ba--which she demands on cue-mastered for sure, so bring on the dogs I guess.

This weekend we are helping Aunt Kris try and find her wedding dress and then heading to Boston on Wednesday to visit Abby, Joey, and Willem.

So for now, I have to finish a witch's costume (Audrey), a Darth the Vader (Drew), and a lady bug (Reese) and move on to the next round!!!